100 Capitol Hill Jobs Posted in March!

And we are just halfway through the month! While there was plenty of jockeying for political jobs in the months following the election, the pace of openings has not slowed as we enter cherry blossom season here in the Nation’s Capital.

There are a number of reasons for this continued uptick in Hill jobs. Campaign staff brought on to fill roles quickly were either purposefully here temporarily or they decide that DC life isn’t their cup of tea. The pace of work, long hours, separation from friends and family, the expense of living here on a relatively low salary — these can be surprising revelations for newcomers.

It’s no secret that working on the Hill can be exhausting and frustrating at times, but changing the world — no matter which part of it you passionately want to change — takes time and perseverance. And while this Congress is seemingly more contentious than previous ones, the issues are no less important, and Hill staff play a critical role in shaping policy and legislation that can have a positive and lasting impact on millions of Americans. Not to mention it’s just plain fun work.

The bottom line is this is good news for folks looking to take a shot at political life on the Hill. It still takes a lot of networking, a solid resume that shows you can do the job, extensive research on the Member and the issues facing the district or state, and even a little bit of luck to land that dream job on the Hill. But if you have the passion and desire to help change the world, there’s no time like the present.

To sign up to see all 100-plus Capitol Hill jobs, plus thousands of jobs off the Hill, please visit our Subscribe page.


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