Connecting You to Jobs
That Make a Difference

Traverse Jobs connects people with jobs that impact social change
and policy across the nation. 

More than 20 years ago, Brad Traverse started to compile job leads for policy and public relations jobs in order to connect his job-hunting friends with new employment opportunities in Washington, DC. Originally sent as a weekly email, the number of subscribers and leads grew until it became difficult to manage as his hobby and the number of jobs was so big that the list became hard to use. In 2006, he and his wife Fraser recognized this unmet need and launched the first-ever online political and public relations job search database, so members could access new job leads on a daily basis and easily search for employment opportunities, including political and government careers, using category and keyword functions.

Since the 2006 launch, Fraser Traverse has been managing the day-to-day business of Traverse Jobs where thousands of members actively search to find their next dream job. Today, as CEO, Fraser leads the evolution of business to connect policy and public relations job seekers with opportunities to impact social change and policy across our nation. She brings a broad range of experience in both the public and private sector. Fraser worked as a legislative aide in the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate. She served as a press secretary in the U.S. House. She was director of marketing at a national manufacturing association, and was an account manager at two public relations firms in Washington, DC. She also served as the publications and news writer for a top private school in Alexandria, Virginia. In addition to her professional work, she has lent her expertise in communications, marketing and financial organization to several boards and committees in the local community.

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