Job Hunting and Career Tips

Ask Fraser: How do I get my resume in the hands of those building staff for next year’s new administration and Congress?

I am interested in joining a freshman Hill office or the administration. I’ve been polling my network but most everyone I speak to says that most likely jobs will go to campaign staff or current Hill staffers. How might you recommend I get my resume and cover letter in the hands of those building staff

Ask Fraser: How do I get my resume in the hands of those building staff for next year’s new administration and Congress? Read More »

ASK FRASER: How do I return to politics and policy after a few years in different jobs?

QUESTION: I loved my past work in politics and policy, and I’d like to get back in the game. I’ve been doing other types of jobs for several years, so my experience isn’t recent and I’m not sure how to break back in. – Jeff, advancement professional Ask any Washingtonian if they worked on the

ASK FRASER: How do I return to politics and policy after a few years in different jobs? Read More »